William Last KRM receives love from Chris Brown

Comedian William Last KRM has received love and recognition from Chris Brown for singing his song ‘Don’t Wake Me Up’ in a passionate and funny way.
William Last KRM impressed the America superstar with his comedic genius as he was singing.
Now we know this guy is really funny but we never expected this, let alone that Chris Brown would eventually see the video clip and share it on his social media platforms.
And there’s another funny thing about all this, thousands of fans have been flocking Chris Brown’s Instagram wall to comment on the video and appreciate Breezy for recognising and showing love to William Last KRM, now most of these fans are from South Africa and Botswana.
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Well those from South Africa are commenting with South African flags and those from Botswana are also commenting with Botswana flags, now this didn’t go down well with fans from Botswana since William Last KRM is actually a Motswana (he’s from Botswana).
Batswana accused South Africans of trying to claim William Last KRM and always making everything about themselves.
Watch William Last KRM’s video below;
And as of today mid day, this video clip has more than 17,000 comments on Instagram.
Chris Brown has since deleted the William Last KRM post from his Instagram because there so many negative comments and fighting, but below is a screenshot of the deleted post.