West Rand District Municipality

The West Rand District Municipality (WRDM) is a Category C municipality situated in the western region of the Gauteng Province of South Africa.


Type of municipality:District (Category C)
Municipal code:DC48
Local municipalities:3
Total area:4,087 km² (1,578 square miles)
Population:998,466 (in 2022)
Executive mayor:T.M Bovungana


The West Rand District Municipality is geographically situated in the western part of the Gauteng Province and covers the West Rand area, excluding Roodepoort.

The District is also situated relatively close to Johannesburg, the economic hub of Gauteng, and is traversed by major national routes, namely the N12 and N14.

The administrative headquarters/seat of the District is in Randfontein.

The West Rand District Municipality covers an area of 4,087 km² (1,578 square miles)

The District consists of three local municipalities namely;

  1. Merafong City Local Municipality
  2. Mogale City Local Municipality
  3. Rand West City Local Municipality

The West Rand District Municipality is bordered by:

The West Rand District is home to the famous Cradle of Humankind, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, located under the jurisdiction of Merafong City and Mogale City Local Municipalities.


A map of the West Rand District Municipality with its three Local Municipalities
A map of the West Rand District Municipality with its three Local Municipalities.


According to the South African National Census of 2022, the West Rand District Municipality has a population of 998,466 residents, compared to 838,594 in 2016, and 821,191 in 2011.

The municipality has a population growth per annum of 1.9%.

According to the 2022 Census, 23.7% of the population is under the age of 15, 71% is between 15 and 64, and 5.3% is over 65.

Racial makeup

According to the 2022 Census, 79.2% of the West Rand District Municipality population describe themselves as Black African, 16.7% as White, 2.5% as Coloured, and 1.1% as Indian/Asian.


According to the 2022 Census, 27.3% of the population speaks Setswana as their first language, 16.9% speak Afrikaans, 14.9% speak isiXhosa, 10.8% speak Sesotho, and 30.1% speak other languages.


The West Rand is the poorest region in the Province and contributes the least to Gauteng’s GDP. The District’s main contribution primarily lies within the mining sector.

Other economic sectors in the District manufacturing, finance, community services, trade, construction, and transport.

District council and management

The West Rand District Municipality is under S139 administration, effective February 2019.

Composition of Council (No. of seats by political party)ANC: 8
DA: 5
EFF: 3
AIC: 1
Controlling Partyn/a
Executive MayorT.M Bovungana
Deputy Executive Mayorn/a
SpeakerBethuel Munyai
Chief WhipMildred Ndzilane
Other Council Members– Salu Boyce (MMC: Re-Industrialisation)
– Sfiso Dikana (MMC: Transport and Roads)
– Gladys Khoza-Itani (MMC: Finance)
– Leroy Legabe (MMC: Environment)
– Tumi Molusi (MMC: Public Safety)
– Antionette Shikoane (MMC: Health and Social Development and SRAC)
– Dennis Thabe (MMC: Infrastructure and Human Settlement)
– Nonkoliso Tundzi-Hawu (MMC: Corporate Services)
Municipal ManagerElias Koloi
Chief Financial OfficerSamuel Ramaele
Senior Management– Dr Mary Daka (Health and Social Development)
– Grace Magole (Corporate Services)
– Zeblon Mphaphuli (Regional Development Planning and Environmental Management)
Communications OfficersClement Mohlala


Below are the towns/places in the West Rand District Municipality.

  • Carletonville
  • Fochville
  • Krugersdorp
  • Magaliesburg
  • Muldersdrift
  • Randfontein
  • Wedela
  • Westonaria

Contact details

The contact details of the West Rand District Municipality are listed in the table below.

Postal address:Private Bag X033, Randfontein, 1760
Physical address:Cnr, 6th and Park Street, Randfontein, 1760
Telephone:011 411 5000
Fax:011 412 3663
Report fraud and corruption:– Telephone: 011 411 5100
– Email: fraudline@wrdm.gov.za