Swartland Local Municipality

Swartland Local Municipality is a Category B municipality located in the southernmost region of the West Coast District Municipality in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.


Type of municipality:Local Municipality (Category B)
MIIF classification:B3 (small towns)
Province:Western Cape
District:West Coast
Municipal code:WC015
Number of wards:12
Total area:3,707 km² (1,431 square miles)
Population:148,331 (in 2022)
Executive mayor:Harold Cleophas


Swartland Local Municipality is geographically situated in the southernmost part of the West Coast District Municipality and stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Berg River in the east.

The municipality covers an area of 3,707 km² (1,431 square miles) making it the second-smallest local municipality in the West Coast District.

The municipality is divided into 12 wards.

Swartland Local Municipality is bordered by:

The region’s administrative headquarters/seat and main infrastructure are based in Malmesbury, the principal town, which is situated in the southeast of the municipality, 70 kilometres north of Cape Town on the N7 National Route.

Other large towns are Darling to the west and Moorreesburg to the north.

In the Riebeek Valley northeast of Malmesbury are the sister towns of Riebeek West and Riebeek-Kasteel.

In the vicinity of Malmesbury, there are the smaller villages of Chatsworth, Abbotsdale, and Kalbaskraal while in the vicinity of Moorreesburg is found the village of Koringberg. On the Atlantic coast, there is a fishing village and holiday town of Yzerfontein.


According to the South African National Census of 2022, Swartland Local Municipality has a population of 148,331 people, compared to 133,762 in 2016, and 113,762 in 2011.

The municipality has a population growth per annum of 2.58%.

According to the 2022 Census, 23.4% of the population is under the age of 15, 69.4% is between 15 and 64, and 7.2% is over 65.

Racial makeup

According to the 2022 Census, 64.1% of the population in Swartland Local Municipality describe themselves as Coloured, 18.3% as Black African, 15.7% as White, and 0.4% as Indian/Asian.


According to the 2022 Census, 82.8% of the population speaks Afrikaans as their first language, 8.9% speak isiXhosa, 4.7% speak English, 1.5% speak Sesotho, and 2.1% speak other languages.


The main economic sectors of Swartland Local Municipality are manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, catering, accommodation, agriculture, forestry, fishing, finance, insurance, real estate, business services, transport, storage, communication, community, social and personal service.

Municipal council and management

The Swartland municipal council is comprised of 23 members elected by mixed-member proportional representation.

Twelve councillors are elected by first-past-the-post voting in 12 wards, while the remaining 5 are chosen from party lists so that the total number of party representatives is proportional to the number of votes received.

In the election of 1 November 2021, the Democratic Alliance (DA) obtained a majority of 14 seats on the council.

Composition of Council (No. of seats by political party)DA: 14
ANC: 5
EFF: 1
Controlling partyDemocratic Alliance
Executive MayorHarold Cleophas
Deputy Executive MayorAnet de Beer
SpeakerMichael Rangasamy
Chief Whipn/a
Other Council Members– Desiree de Beer (Development Services and Mayco Member)
– Cornelle O’Kennedy (Chairperson: MPAC)
– Nicolene Smit (Municipal Manager, Administration and Finance, and Mayco Member)
– Tijmen van Essen (Civil and Electrical Services and Mayco Member)
– AK Warnick (Protection Services and Mayco Member)
Municipal ManagerJoggie Scholtz
Chief Financial OfficerMark Bolton
Senior Management– Olivia Fransman (Strategic Manager)
– Philip Humphreys (Protection Services)
– Jo-Ann Krieger (Development Services)
– Thys Möller (Electrical Engineering Services)
– Madelaine Terblanche (Corporate Services)
– Louis Zikman (Civil Engineering Services)
Communications OfficersMart-Marie Haasbroek


Below are the towns/places in Swartland Local Municipality.

  • Abbotsdale
  • Chatsworth
  • Darling
  • Grotto Bay
  • Kalbaskraal
  • Koringberg
  • Malmesbury
  • Moorreesburg
  • Riebeek-Kasteel
  • Riebeek West
  • Riverlands
  • Yzerfontein

Contact details

The contact details of Swartland Local Municipality are listed in the table below.

Postal address:Private Bag X52, Malmesbury, 7299
Physical address:1 Church Street, Malmesbury
Telephone:022 487 9400
Fax:022 487 9440