Sarah Baartman District Municipality

The Sarah Baartman District Municipality (SBDM) is a Category C municipality situated in the southwestern region of the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.

Sarah Baartman District Municipality

Type of municipality:District (Category C)
Province:Eastern Cape
Municipal code:DC10
Local municipalities:7
Total area:58,245 km² (22,489 square miles)
Population:533,253 (in 2022)
Executive mayor:


The Sarah Baartman District Municipality is geographically situated in the southwestern part of the Eastern Cape province.

The district was known as the Cacadu District Municipality, but in 2015 it was renamed after the late Sarah Baartman ( 1789 – 29 December 1815 ), a Khoekhoe woman who was taken to London to perform at freak shows. After her death, her remains were exhibited until 1974.

The Sarah Baartman District Municipality covers an area of 58,245 km² (22,489 square miles) and is the largest district in the Eastern Cape, making up almost a third of the province’s geographical area.

The district stretches from Graaff-Reinet in the north to the Indian Ocean in the south and between the Great Fish River in the east and Bloukrans River in the west.

The headquarters/seat of the district is in Gqeberha (previously known as Port Elizabeth), although Gqeberha is not itself in the district (it is situated in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality).

The district has the highest number (seven) of “Category B municipalities” in South Africa and they are listed below.

  1. Blue Crane Route Local Municipality
  2. Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality
  3. Kouga Local Municipality
  4. Kou-Kamma Local Municipality
  5. Makana Local Municipality
  6. Ndlambe Local Municipality
  7. Sundays River Valley Local Municipality

To the north, the Sarah Baartman District Municipality is bordered by two Western Cape District Municipalities, Central Karoo and Garden Route. To the north, it is bordered by Pixley Ka Seme District Municipality of the Northern Cape, and to the east, it is bordered by Amathole and Chris Hani District Municipalities of the Eastern Cape.

The district is bordered by the Indian Ocean to the south where it also surrounds Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality, one of the largest metropolitan ports in South Africa.

The Sarah Baartman District is a pastoral gem with immense contrasts in scenery, vegetation, wildlife, history, and culture.


A map of Sarah Baartman District Municipality with its seven Local Municipalities
A map of Sarah Baartman District Municipality with its seven Local Municipalities.


According to the South African National Census of 2022, the Sarah Baartman District Municipality has a population of 533,253 residents, compared to 479,923 in 2016, and 450,584 in 2011.

The district has a population growth per annum of 1.64%.

There is very high unemployment in the district, with about 57% of the population living below an acceptable income threshold.

According to the 2022 Census, 23.8% of the population is under the age of 15, 65.9% is between 15 and 64, and 10.3% is over 65.

Racial makeup

According to the 2022 Census, 53.3% of the Sarah Baartman District Municipality population describe themselves as Black African, 34.9% as Coloured, 10.9% as White, and 0.3% as Indian/Asian.


According to the 2022 Census, 45.4% of the population speaks isiXhosa as their first language, 45.1% speak Afrikaans, 6.5% speak English, and 3% speak other languages.


The district’s main economic sectors are agriculture (mohair) and tourism.

The Eastern Cape Province is the largest producer of mohair in South Africa, contributing approximately three-quarters of the nation’s current production. The Sarah Baartman District is the Province’s largest producer of mohair, with approximately 52% of South Africa’s market share.

District council and management

Composition of Council (No. of seats by political party)ANC: 6
DA: 5
EFF: 1
Controlling Partyn/a
Executive MayorDeon de Vos
Deputy Executive Mayorn/a
SpeakerNomhle Gaga
Chief WhipAthenkosi Diniso
Other Council Members– Charlene Tarin Booysen (Portfolio: Finance)
– Athenkosi Diniso (Portfolio: Infrastructure Development and Community Services)
– Phindile Faxi (Portfolio: Corporate Services)
– Nomalungisa Koba (Portfolio: Planning and Economic Development)
– Simphiwe Rune (Portfolio: Special Programmes)
Municipal ManagerUnati Daniels
Chief Financial OfficerKaashifa Abrahams (Director: Finance and Corporate Services)
Senior Management– Fundiswa Antony (Senior Manager: Legal Services)
– Olwethu Kwababana (Director: Infrastructure Development and Community Services)
– D Magxwalisa (Director: Planning and Economic Development)
– Barry Place (Acting Senior Manager: Corporate Services)
– Graham Terblanche (Senior Manager: Performance)
Communications OfficersNatasha Peterson (Communications Officer)


Below are the towns/places in the Sarah Baartman District Municipality.

Aberdeen, Addo, Adendorp, Alexandria, Alicedale, Bathurst, Boknes/Cannon Rocks, Bushmans River, Cape St Francis, Clarkson, Cookhouse, Graaff-Reinet, Hankey, Humansdorp, Jansenville, Jeffreys Bay, Joubertina, Kareedouw, Kendrew, Kenton-on-Sea, Kirkwood, Klipplaat, Krakeel River, Loerie, Louterwater, Makhanda (Grahamstown), Misgund, Nieu-Bethesda, Nompumelelo, Oyster Bay, Patensie, Paterson, Pearston, Petersburg, Port Alfred, Riebeek East, Rietbron, Sanddrif, Seafield, Sidbury, Somerset East, St Francis Bay, Steytlerville, Storms River, Thornhill, Waterford, Willowmore, and Woodlands.

Contact details

The contact details of the Sarah Baartman District Municipality are listed in the table below.

Postal address:PO Box 318, Gqeberha, 6000
Physical address:32 Govan Mbeki Avenue, Standard Bank Building, Gqeberha
Telephone:041 508 7111
Fax:041 508 7000
Disaster management (Toll-free number):0800 222 238
Gender-based violence (GBV) Hotline:0800 428 428
South African Police Service (SAPS):10111