Nkangala District Municipality

The Nkangala District Municipality (NDM) is a Category C municipality situated in the western region of the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa.

Nkangala District Municipality

Type of municipality:District (Category C)
Municipal code:DC31
Local municipalities:6
Total area:16,758 km² (6,470 square miles)
Population:1,588,684 (in 2022)
Executive mayor:T.D Ngwenya


The Nkangala District Municipality is geographically situated in the western part of the Mpumalanga province.

The District’s headquarters are in Middelburg.

The Nkangala District Municipality covers an area of 16,758 km² (6,470 square miles). It is the smallest of the three Districts of Mpumalanga, making up just 22% of the province’s geographical area.

The Nkangala District Municipality consists of 160 towns and villages.

The District is divided into six local municipalities namely;

  1. Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality
  2. Emakhazeni Local Municipality
  3. Emalahleni Local Municipality
  4. Steve Tshwete Local Municipality
  5. Thembisile Hani Local Municipality
  6. Victor Khanye Local Municipality

The Nkangala District Municipality is bordered by:

Nkangala District Municipality is at the economic hub of Mpumalanga and is rich in minerals and natural resources.

A strength of the District is the Maputo Development Corridor, which brings increased potential for economic growth and tourism development.

The proximity to Gauteng opens up opportunities for a larger market, which is of great importance to the District’s manufacturing and agricultural sectors.


A map of Nkangala District Municipality with its six Local Municipalities
A map of Nkangala District Municipality with its six Local Municipalities.


According to the South African National Census of 2022, the Nkangala District Municipality has a population of 1,588,684 residents, compared to 1,445,624 in 2016, and 1,308,129 in 2011.

The municipality has a population growth per annum of 1.89%.

According to the 2022 Census, 26.7% of the population is under the age of 15, 67.3% is between 15 and 64, and 6% is over 65.

Racial makeup

According to the 2022 Census, 88.6% of the Nkangala District Municipality population describe themselves as Black African, 9% as White, 1.1% as Indian/Asian, and 1% as Coloured.


According to the 2022 Census, 60.9% of the population speaks isiZulu as their first language, 13% speak siSwati, 9.1% speak Afrikaans, 4.2% speak Sesotho, and 12.8% speak other languages.


The district’s main economic sectors are agriculture, mining, tourism, manufacturing, and energy.

District council and management

Composition of Council (No. of seats by political party)ANC: 32
DA: 8
EFF: 10
FF+: 2
IPO: 2
4S0: 2
Controlling PartyANC
Executive MayorT.D Ngwenya
Deputy Executive Mayorn/a
SpeakerKabelo Jonas Boshomane
Chief WhipC.N Nkalitshana
Other Council Members– Dipuo Mahlangu (MMC: Social Services: Roads and Public Safety, Disaster Management, Youth, Women and the Disabled, Sport, Arts and Culture, Health, and Education)
– Lindiwe Mahlangu (MMC: PED [LED])
– Evah Makhabane (MMC: Finance)
– James Theledi Makwiting (MMC: Technical Services)
– Thabang Mathebula (MMC: PED [DPU])
– Taylor Pookgadi (MMC: Corporate Services)
Municipal ManagerMargaret M Skosana
Chief Financial OfficerAlice L Stander
Senior Management– Mandla Mahlangu (Legal Services)
– Dumisani Japhta Duncan Mahlangu (General Manager: Technical Services)
– Fikile Maseko (LED Unit / Tourism)
– Alfred Maseko (ICT)
– Amos Matjiya (General Manager: Development and Planning Unit)
– Dr Tebogo Matoane (General Manager: Social Services)
– Gaobotse Mogorosi (Performance Management Systems)
– Nancy Nomah Ngwenya (Corporate Services)
Communications Officers– David Masombuka (Commuication)
– LS Mtsweni
– N Nkosi


Below are the towns/places in the Nkangala District Municipality.

  • Delmas
  • Dullstroom
  • Emgwenya (previously known as Waterval Boven)
  • Hendrina
  • Kriel
  • KwaMhlanga
  • Mdala Nature Reserve
  • Middelburg
  • Ogies
  • Phola
  • Pullens Hope
  • Rietkuil
  • eMakhazeni
  • eMalahleni
  • eNtokozweni (previously known as Machadodorp)

Contact details

The contact details of the Nkangala District Municipality are listed in the table below.

Postal address:PO Box 437, Middelburg, 1050
Physical address:2A Walter Sisulu Street, Middelburg
Telephone:013 249 2000 / 013 249 2800
Fax:013 249 2087
Police (Toll-free line):10111