Cape BOD: Bursaries 2023

Cape BOD Bursary Foundation invites students to apply for Bursary Programme 2022 / 2023 academic year.
Bursary Application Closing Date: 31 October 2022
Bursaries will be awarded to Jewish students within the Western Cape province, for Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies in ANY field.
The bursary is administered and coordinated by the Cape South African Jewish Board of Deputies.
Bursaries will be awarded to the maximum value of 50% of the student’s annual fees, therefore students are encouraged to apply for other sources of funding, to supplement this bursary award. The reason the bursary does not provide full funding is so that they can assist as many students as possible, in a small way.
Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to meet all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):
You must be Jewish
You must have completed Matric within the Western Cape province
You must have been permanently residing within the Western Cape province for a minimum of 3 years
You must be studying or intend on studying towards an undergraduate or postgraduate qualification in 2023
You must be studying or intend on studying towards a first qualification
You must be studying or intend on studying at a recognised and accredited tertiary institution (university, technical college, or similar) within the Western Cape province
You must be in financial need
You must actively support communal organisations and be prepared to participate in communal leadership programs
You must read and agree to the Cape BOD Bursary terms and conditions (.pdf)
How to apply
Applications must be submitted online at Cape BOD Bursary Application 2022/2023
Submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation along with your application (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application may be disqualified)
- Matric certificate, if available
- Study Course with course codes, if applicable
- Parents or guardians and applicant’s proof of income:
- If employed: latest payslips
- If on pension: pension slip
- If informally employed or operating an informal business, even on an ad hoc basis: trading details and income earned over the past 12 months (affidavit, signing to be witnessed by a Commissioner of Oaths)
- If self-employed / shareholders/directors of a private company: latest Financial Statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) (copy)
- If any immediate family member has a beneficial interest in a Trust: Trust Deed and latest Financial Statements
- If you or your parents own property that has a mortgage: Bond Statement (copy)
- If you or your parents own any shares (JSE / private companies / other properties/timeshare / HP’s / surrender values of Endowment and Life Policies): Schedule of Shares
- Schedule of all earnings (gross and net) for the past 12 months
- Income Tax Return(s) (IT12) (copy)
- IRP5 for the last financial year (copy)
- Tax Assessment(s) (IT34) for the last tax year (copy)
- Schedule of all outstanding creditors accounts (including HP’s, leases, etc)
- If married: Marriage Document from Synagogue / Temple
- If divorced: divorce agreement relating to the education of the child or children