Bojanala Platinum District Municipality

The Bojanala Platinum District Municipality (BPDM) is a Category C municipality situated in the northeastern region of the North West province of South Africa.

Bojanala Platinum District Municipality

Type of municipality:District (Category C)
Province:North West
Municipal code:DC37
Local municipalities:5
Total area:18,333 km² (7,078 square miles)
Population:1,624,144 (in 2022)
Executive mayor:M Nondzaba


The Bojanala Platinum District Municipality is geographically situated in the northeastern part of the North West province.

The administrative headquarters/seat of Bojanala Platinum is in Rustenburg.

The Bojanala Platinum District Municipality covers an area of 18,333 km² (7,078 square miles) and is the second-smallest district in the North West Province.

The District is divided into five local municipalities namely;

  1. Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality
  2. Madibeng Local Municipality
  3. Moretele Local Municipality
  4. Moses Kotane Local Municipality
  5. Rustenburg Local Municipality

The Bojanala Platinum District Municipality is bordered by Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality to the west, Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality to the south, West Rand District Municipality in Gauteng to the southeast, the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality in Gauteng to the east, and Waterberg District Municipality in Limpopo to the north.


In October 2023, the Hawks arrested the municipal manager of the District, who was embroiled in corruption involving R134 million, including spending R2 million on just two laptops.


A map of Bojanala Platinum District Municipality with its four Local Municipalities
A map of Bojanala Platinum District Municipality with its four Local Municipalities.


According to the South African National Census of 2022, the Bojanala Platinum District Municipality has a population of 1,624,144 residents, compared to 1,657,148 in 2016, and 1,507,505 in 2011.

The municipality has a population growth per annum of 0.73%.

According to the 2022 Census, 26.3% of the population is under the age of 15, 67.7% is between 15 and 64, and 5.9% is over 65.

Racial makeup

According to the 2022 Census, 95.4% of the Bojanala Platinum District Municipality population describe themselves as Black African, 3.7% as White, 0.7% as Coloured, and 0.1% as Indian/Asian.


According to the 2022 Census, 55.3% of the population speaks Setswana as their first language, 8.1% speak Xitsonga, 7.2% speak Afrikaans, 5.6% speak isiXhosa, and 23.8% speak other languages.


The district’s main economic sectors are mining, community services, finance, trade, transport, and manufacturing.

District council and management

Composition of Council (No. of seats by political party)ANC: 16
EFF: 5
DA: 3
AIC: 1
F4SD: 1
SM: 1
T.C.M.: 1
Controlling PartyANC
Executive MayorM Nondzaba
Deputy Executive Mayorn/a
SpeakerLucky Madiba
Chief WhipLouis Diremelo
Other Council Members– Mahommed Karani (MMC: Rural Local Economic Development)
– Lucky Malope (MMC: Sports, Arts and Culture)
– Fridah Mangoathe (MMC: Rural Development and Agriculture)
– Ignatius Msoki (MMC: IDP/PMS; Monitoring and Evaluation)
– Suzan Nthamngeni (MMC: Corporate Support Services)
– Vincent Phushoane (MMC: Budget and Treasury)
– Kutlwano Ramokgadi (MMC: Community Development)
– Annietjie Selebogo (MMC: Technical Services)
– Winnie Sono (MMC: Special Projects)
Municipal Managern/a
Chief Financial OfficerKulani Chauk (Acting)
Senior Management– Amos Khumalo (Director: Technical Services)
– G.T Lenake (Director: Health and Emergency Services)
– Beauty Maganye (Director: Economic Development)
– G Mahlangu (Director: Community Development Services)
– Lucas Mokgara (Chief of Staff)
Communications Officersn/a


Below are the towns/places in the Bojanala Platinum District Municipality.

  • Brits
  • Derby
  • Hartbeesfontein-A
  • Hartbeespoort
  • Koster
  • Madikwe
  • Marikana
  • Mooinooi
  • Phatsima
  • Rustenburg
  • Swartruggens
  • Tlhabane

Contact details

The contact details of the Bojanala Platinum District Municipality are listed in the table below.

Postal address:PO Box 1993, Rustenburg, 0300
Physical address:Cnr Beyers Naude & Fatima Bhayat Drives, Rustenburg
Telephone:014 590 4500
Fax:014 592 6085